Centaury Flower Remedy – Self Determination
Centaury is one of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies. Discovered by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930’s the Bach Flower Remedies are simple, natural and gentle acting remedies which help you to balance your thought and emotions. They have an understandably enduring appeal and are still the most popular and well known flower essences around the world today.
Centaury helps you to develop a stronger will and greater sense of yourself, and is for those that can at times be weak willed or subservient.
Centaury restores the qualities of inner strength & self-determination
What Does Centaury Do?
Centaury restores the qualities of inner strength & self-determination. Those in need of Centaury have a misplaced sense of service and believe that they must put others needs before their own. They appear to lack the will power to say ‘no’ and are easily dominated and open to being taken advantage of by those with stronger personalities.

As a consequence they often wear themselves out in service to others and do not develop their own individuality or creativity. Those in the negative Centaury state are often seen as being ‘a doormat for others’.
Dr Bach’s description of Centaury
"Kind, quiet, gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others. They overtax their strength in their endeavours. Their wish so grows upon them that they become more servants than willing helpers. Their good nature leads them to do more than their own share of work, and in so doing they may neglect their own particular mission in life."
From The Twelve Healers & Other Remedies – By Dr Edward Bach ( 1936 edition )
Uses & Indications for Centaury:
- ‘Doormat’, unable to say ‘no’ to others, puts other people’s needs before your own.
- Subservient personality, easily led by others, feels powerless.
- Eager to please, over-helpful, needs to feel needed.
- Over-gives of own energy so often becomes tired, depleted and ill.
- Lacks willpower and vitality, physically weak.
Benefits of taking Centaury:
- Can say ‘no’ without feeling guilty.
- Inner sovereignty, honours own needs and boundaries.
- Well developed individuality and sense of self.
- Strength of purpose, self-determination and willpower.
Dr. Bach’s Seven Main Groups
Dr. Bach divided his 38 Bach Flower Remedies into seven different personality groups; each group representing the differing ways a particular thought pattern or emotion could be seen and experienced in the personality.
Centaury is in Dr Bach’s – Oversensitive to Influences and Ideas Group
The four remedies in this group express the different ways we can react to feelings of vulnerability and over sensitivity to the emotional and mental energies of others. The Over-sensitivity group remedies are: Agrimony, Centaury, Holly, Walnut
The Centaury Flower

The Latin Name for Centaury is: Centaurium Erythraea
The beautiful Centaury plant grows on heaths, sand dunes and other dry grassy places. It has pretty clusters of pink flowers with five-petals. It flowers from June to September.
Making the Centaury Remedy
Dr. Bach first discovered and made the Centaury remedy in Cromer, Norfolk, in August 1930 using the sun method of potentisation. The roots of the Centaury plant had long been used for healing purposes, but never the beautiful pink flowers. His discovery of the Centaury remedy came at the same time as Cerato and just after he had potentised Clematis for the the first time as a flower essence.
How To Use Centaury
Our Bach Flower Remedies are stock level Essences which can be diluted into a treatment bottle as suggested by Dr Bach or used directly from stock if preferred. A treatment bottle can contain one single essence or a combination of up to eight different essences.
Making a Treatment Combination
Making a Bach Flower Remedy combination is simple and easy: put 2 drops from each of the Remedies you require (4 drops of Revival Remedy) into a clean glass dropper bottle containing up to 30ml of spring water (adding a teaspoon full of brandy or cider vinegar as a preservative if you wish). Alternatively you can put 4 drops of each remedy required (8 drops of Revival Remedy) into a glass of water. You can combine up to 8 of the Bach Remedies.
How to Use Your Combination

Using Your Combination: For a normal adult dosage take 4 drops on the tongue (or a sip from your glass of water) 8 x a day, or every 30 – 60 minutes for acute states. Using Directly From Stock: Take 2 drops on the tongue as above. Preferably take 10 minutes away from food and drink. We’d normally suggest using for two – four weeks before reviewing how you feel.
What are the Bach Flower Remedies
The Bach Flower Remedies are a set of 38 flower essences which can be used to help you to achieve greater balance and harmony in your life. They work to balance how you are thinking and feeling and can very quickly help to restore a sense of balance and perspective within yourself. They are simple, effective and easy to use and they can be given to adults, children, pets and plants. You can find out more here: Bach Flower Remedies

Shop – Centaury – Bach Flower Remedy
Essence Range: Bach Flower Remedies
How to Use: Choosing & Using the Bach Flower Remedies
Essence Type: Single Flower Essence | Stock Level
Our Bach Flower Remedies
From making the Mother Tincture to bottling and labelling the stock bottles that we send you, each remedy is handmade with love and care helping to ensure that we provide you with the best possible quality of remedy.
Our Bach Flower Remedies are handmade according to the original instructions of Dr. Edward Bach, using his original methods and adhering exactly to the plant types that he identified. They are stock level remedies and we have been making them and offering them to customers round the world for over 30 years.
See Also…
- Agrimony – Bach Flower Remedies
- Seven Flower Essences for Empaths
- Essences for Inner Strength, Determination & Will Power
Do You Need Any Help or Advice?
If you need any help or advice with this Essence, or if you’d simply like to talk to someone about whether this would be the right Essence for you, please do contact us and we’d be please to help – Contact Us
Share Your Experiences…
We hope you’ve enjoyed our exploration of the Centaury Flower Essence. We’d love to hear your experiences of working with this essence so please do leave us a comment and share your experiences!
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Sam is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since 1996. He is passionate about all aspects of Flower & Vibrational Essences, from making and developing them, to using them for personal and spiritual growth. Sam is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer and teacher and loves sharing knowledge and information about Essences and any other tools that help us to re-connect with our hearts and the true essence of who we are. Sam is also currently treasurer for the British Association of Flower Essence producers.
Ha, I almost laughed out loud reading this description – it is so me!!….. yet I also have the flip side – I can be quite argumentative and controlling. Will this help me with that also? I suppose it can be difficult to know when to draw the line sometimes, where you should stand your ground and say no.