Flower Essence Blog

Agrimony – Bach Flower Remedies

Agrimony flowers

Agrimony Flower Remedy – Inner Harmony

Agrimony is one of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies. Discovered by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930’s the Bach Flower Remedies are simple, natural and gentle acting remedies which help you to balance your thought and emotions. They have an understandably enduring appeal and are still the most popular and well known flower essences around the world today.

Agrimony restores the ability to express ones true feelings and emotions no matter what these might be

What Does Agrimony Do?

Agrimony restores the ability to express ones true feelings and emotions no matter what these might be. Those in need of Agrimony have much inner anxiety and turmoil that they cover up with a smile and a laugh when in the company of others. They are so successful at this that they appear to be ‘the life & soul of the party’ without a care in the world. Their sensitivity and dislike of discord leads them to try to keep the peace at any cost.

10ml and 25ml bottles of Agrimony Bach Flower Remedy

However, when the pressure of these bottled up emotions becomes too great they may explode in anger and often use alcohol or drugs as a way of cutting themselves off from their unexpressed inner worries.

Other indications for this remedy are restless sleep patterns and a need for constant outer stimulation. Agrimony promotes ease of expression, leading to feelings of real inner harmony and peace.

Dr Bach’s description of Agrimony

"The jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or quarrel, to avoid which they will agree to give up much. Though generally they have troubles and are tormented and restless and worried in mind or in body, they hide their cares behind their humour and jesting and are considered very good friends to know. They often take alcohol or drugs in excess, to stimulate themselves and help themselves bear their trials with cheerfulness."

From The Twelve Healers & Other Remedies – By Dr Edward Bach ( 1936 edition )

Uses & Indications for Agrimony:

  • Unable to express needs and emotions, says ‘I’m fine’ when not.
  • Needs to keep the peace, avoids confrontation, dislikes discord, fears conflict.
  • Bottled up emotions can explode in anger.
  • Inner anxiety & turmoil covered up with a smile and a laugh around others.
  • Restless: escapes in addictions or outer stimulation e.g. travel, adventure.

Benefits of taking Agrimony:

  • Speaks honestly without worrying what people think.
  • Comfortable expressing your true feelings and emotions.
  • Ability to be authentic self without needing to entertain others.
  • Inner fulfilment without seeking external stimulation.
  • Feelings of inner harmony and peace.

Dr. Bach’s Seven Main Groups

Dr. Bach divided his 38 Bach Flower Remedies into seven different personality groups; each group representing the differing ways a particular thought pattern or emotion could be seen and experienced in the personality.

Agrimony is in Dr Bach’s – Oversensitive to Influences and Ideas Group

The four remedies in this group express the different ways we can react to feelings of vulnerability and over sensitivity to the emotional and mental energies of others. The Over-sensitivity group remedies are: Agrimony, Centaury, Holly, Walnut

The Agrimony flower - spires of yellow flowers

The Agrimony Flower

The Latin Name for Agrimony is: Agrimonia eupatoria

Agrimony is a medium to tall native perennial plant, growing between 30 – 60cm in height. It has a single stem with clusters of yellow flowers on which bloom between June and August. The five petalled flowers are small and yellow and usually appear from the bottom of the stem upwards and face out horizontally. Agrimony is also known as ‘Church Steeples’, among several other alternative names.

Making the Agrimony Remedy

Dr. Bach first discovered and made the Agrimony remedy in Cromer, Norfolk, in August 1930. The Agrimony flower was growing abundantly in the fields and grassy verges around the town and he prepared it using the sun method of potentisation.

How To Use Agrimony

Our Bach Flower Remedies are stock level Essences which can be diluted into a treatment bottle as suggested by Dr Bach or used directly from stock if preferred. A treatment bottle can contain one single essence or a combination of up to eight different essences.

Making a Treatment Combination

Making a Bach Flower Remedy combination is simple and easy: put 2 drops from each of the Remedies you require (4 drops of Revival Remedy) into a clean glass dropper bottle containing up to 30ml of spring water (adding a teaspoon full of brandy or cider vinegar as a preservative if you wish). Alternatively you can put 4 drops of each remedy required (8 drops of Revival Remedy) into a glass of water. You can combine up to 8 of the Bach Remedies.

How to Use Your Combination

10ml and 25ml Bach Flower Remedy bottles

Using Your Combination: For a normal adult dosage take 4 drops on the tongue (or a sip from your glass of water) 8 x a day, or every 30 – 60 minutes for acute states. Using Directly From Stock: Take 2 drops on the tongue as above. Preferably take 10 minutes away from food and drink. We’d normally suggest using for two – four weeks before reviewing how you feel.

What are the Bach Flower Remedies

The Bach Flower Remedies are a set of 38 flower essences which can be used to help you to achieve greater balance and harmony in your life. They work to balance how you are thinking and feeling and can very quickly help to restore a sense of balance and perspective within yourself. They are simple, effective and easy to use and they can be given to adults, children, pets and plants. You can find out more here: Bach Flower Remedies

10ml and 25ml bottles of Agrimony Bach Flower Remedy

Shop – Agrimony – Bach Flower Remedy

Essence Range: Bach Flower Remedies

How to Use: Choosing & Using the Bach Flower Remedies

Essence Type: Single Flower Essence | Stock Level

Our Bach Flower Remedies

From making the Mother Tincture to bottling and labelling the stock bottles that we send you, each remedy is handmade with love and care helping to ensure that we provide you with the best possible quality of remedy.

Our Bach Flower Remedies are handmade according to the original instructions of Dr. Edward Bach, using his original methods and adhering exactly to the plant types that he identified. They are stock level remedies and we have been making them and offering them to customers round the world for over 30 years.

See Also…

Do You Need Any Help or Advice?

If you need any help or advice with this Essence, or if you’d simply like to talk to someone about whether this would be the right Essence for you, please do contact us and we’d be please to help – Contact Us

Share Your Experiences…

We hope you’ve enjoyed our exploration of the Agrimony Flower Essence. We’d love to hear your experiences of working with this essence so please do leave us a comment and share your experiences!

Are You New To Flower & Vibrational Essences?

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Sam Cremnitz

Sam is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since 1996. He is passionate about all aspects of Flower & Vibrational Essences, from making and developing them, to using them for personal and spiritual growth. Sam is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer and teacher and loves sharing knowledge and information about Essences and any other tools that help us to re-connect with our hearts and the true essence of who we are. Sam is also currently treasurer for the British Association of Flower Essence producers.

More About Sam Cremnitz | All Blog Articles | All Videos

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8 years ago

THanks! Agrimony – Bach Flower Remedies
It is one of the best flower remedy .

Elizabeth Brown
Elizabeth Brown
1 year ago

I find your essences are and your service is good too, you are helpful for people who needs some help to choose this one Agrimony Bach Essences really does help as it says. thank you for you work you do,