Flower Essence Blog

Inner Strength, Determination & Positivity: the Inner Strength Essence

Sunblest Rose Flower

Empowering Your Inner Journey

There are times in life when we will all need the important qualities of inner strength, resolve and determination to assist us with our inner journey of transformation. The Inner Strength Essence from the Divine Harmony Essences range is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal essences specifically designed to give you a stronger sense of your own inner power and authority so that you can follow your own path without hesitation.

The Importance of Inner Determination

The journey of change and transformation is a very positive, life enhancing process that helps us move fully into our own inner power and strength

The journey of change and transformation that we experience individually and collectively is a very positive, life enhancing process that helps us move fully into our own inner power and strength. As part of this process we might find ourselves needing to dig deep within to explore an old story, or to deal with unexpected changes that affect our outer world, or needing to step out in a new, possibly unanticipated directions in life.

All of this requires each of us to be willing to dig deep into our inner resources and use our power, authority, strength and inner resolve to make the changes required of us. It may well highlight where we still have work to do to dissolve the legacy of old disempowering patterns and beliefs that we have inherited along the way.

Your Vibrational Frequency is a Powerful Resource

You could look at your inner journey and the process of transformation that you are experiencing as a review of your choice of vibrational frequency. What frequency are the feelings and thought patterns that you habitually generate? Are they uplifting, positive vibrations or are they sometimes a bit downbeat with a tendency to dwell in old uncomfortable stories from the past? Does your vibrational frequency fluctuate depending upon what is going on around you?

There is no right answer to any of these questions, but you do have a moment by moment opportunity to review and upgrade your choice of frequency and to realign it in as positive a way as you can. This process is simple but does not necessarily feel easy when we are in the middle of it. It requires us to stand in the power and authority of our true self and to make new choices from that perspective. We all know how to do this but we need to remember to focus our intention and attention carefully for best results. This is where we will need to call upon our reserves of inner strength, determination and resolve to be successful.

Own Your Inner Strength and Determination

Photo of Dandelion flower

If it has felt difficult for you to fully embrace these qualities in your life up to now, it will be helpful to explore the patterns that you inherited that relate to the balanced use of personal power. From a place of neutral observation, just check back over your childhood experiences. If you were not allowed to explore your strengths and weaknesses fully without judgement as a child growing up, it can be hard in later life to feel strong and confident in all situations.

Check out the family paterns that you experienced. How much were you welcome to stand in the strength of your own power and authority? How much was this recognised as a positive thing to do? In your family, school or peer group, what was considered acceptable and ‘normal’ and what was not? If you are like most of us, you will find a mixed bag of patterns and beliefs relating to personal power, some of which are positive and helpful than others.

Without any judgement, review how you feel about these old patterns and the vibrational frequencies that they are set in. Is there still a feeling of it not being OK to be yourself and to use your power and authority fully in your own life because this was not modelled back to you positively? Are there still situations in life where it feels uncomfortable to be yourself? Does it still feel difficult to make change or new choices because you lack the inner strength and determination due to old patterns or beliefs? What are the vibrational frequencies of the thoughts and feelings that surround these observations? Do they make you feel good or actually diminish your capacity to own your own sense of inner strength and determination? Recognise that you now have the power to make new choices and to step fully into your strength and power as a being.

Help from the Inner Strength Essence

10ml and 25ml bottles of the Inner Strength Essence

The Inner Strength combination is a powerful blend of flower, gem and crystal essences with a focus on helping you dissolve the legacy of old patterns and beliefs while expanding the qualities of inner strength, resolve, determination and courage. It will gently but firmly assist you in raising your vibrational frequency and encourage you to see yourself as the powerful being of light that you truly are.

I have found this to be a really helpful combination that I have taken several times over the last few years when I have temporarily lost sight of my own strength and power. Typically this has been when I have been facing the need to do something new or unknown and have needed to boost my inner reserves of strength and determination to complete the task. In these situations, Inner Strength essence has quickly revealed and dissolved the old pattern that needed to be upgraded and encouraged me to step back into my own inner authority. I know that it will also do exactly the same for you if you are in a similar situation.

Indications that it might be particularly helpful include::

  • Feeling that you lack the strength needed to accomplish something in life.
  • Finding it hard to summon up the determination to make needed changes.
  • Difficulty standing fully in your own power and light.
  • A need to expand the qualities of inner strength, determination & positivity.
  • Dissolving old patterns that have left you feeling disempowered.

It will promote:

  • A stronger sense of your own inner power and authority.
  • Balanced use of personal and spiritual will.
  • Greater inner strength, resolve, determination and courage.
  • The ability to follow your own path in life without hesitation.

Essences in Inner Stregth Essence

Dandelion flower

How to Use

An effective dose for most adults is four drops on the tongue 3 or 4 x a day straight from the stock bottle. For best results take consistently for a period of two to four weeks.

Inner Strength Essences - 10ml & 25ml bottles

Inner Strength Essence

Essence Range: Divine Harmony Essences

Adult How to Use: Four drops on the tongue 3 – 4 x a day… Full How to Use

Essence Type: Flower, Gem & Crystal Essence Combination | Stock Level

Tips for Working with the Inner Strength Essence

Two bottles of the Inner Strength Essence
  • Be willing to be vulnerable and open to yourself about where you currently find it difficult to stand fully in your own inner power and authority. Old patterning would have us believe that owning our vulnerability makes us even less powerful when the exact opposite is really the truth.
  • As you take the Inner Strength essence, allow it to reveal the old patterns that have filtered out your ability to see yourself as strong and powerful up until now. Recognise that most likely there will be resistance to this and just continue to explore without judging yourself.
  • Be very mindful of any triggers that might particularly make you feel lacking in resolve or determination. For instance, being asked to do something new and unusual or facing a difficult decision that will permanently alter something in your life. Recognise that most of us feel a bit daunted in these situations and be willing to let the essence connect you with and expand your own inner strength, determination, and courage.
  • Keep adjusting your vibrational frequency so that you are continually focussing on those things that are positive and uplifting. This will expand your perspective very quickly and help you to see beyond what you have believed about yourself. Above all keep in mind that you are a powerful creator with the power to uncreate anything that is no longer valuable or life enhancing in your inner world.

See Also…

Do You Need Any Help or Advice?

If you need any help or advice with this Essence, or if you’d simply like to talk to someone about whether this would be the right Essence for you, please do contact us and we’d be please to help – Contact Us

Share Your Experiences…

We hope you’ve enjoyed our exploration of the Inner Strength Essence. We’d love to hear your experiences of working with this essence so please do leave us a comment and share your experiences!

Are You New To Flower & Vibrational Essences?

You can find out more about Flower & Vibrational Essences in our guide here.

Catherine Keattch

Catherine is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since the early 1990’s. She is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer, teacher and workshop leader. She loves creating vibrational essences and greatly enjoys making the mother tinctures that allow us to provide our wide range of flower, gem & crystal essences. Her passion is to provide the knowledge, wisdom and tools that will support others to find greater harmony, well-being and spiritual fulfilment in their lives.

More About Catherine Keattch | All Blog Articles | All Videos

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3 years ago

I have been a customer for many years and have had such fabulous advice and guidance. I find the essences work so well for me. I thoroughly recommend Crystal Herbs.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wendy
Crystal Herbs
2 years ago
Reply to  Wendy

Thank you so much Wendy! So glad to hear that the Essences have been so helpful for you. x