Flower Essence Blog

Handel Rose Essence Review – Strength, Courage & Self Value

This month we’re taking a look at the Handel Rose Essence for our monthly Essence Review; this lovely Essence helps to promote the qualities of strength, courage and positive self value.

Ruby Essence

The Handel Rose Essence

Essence Range:
Rose Collection Essences

How to Use:
Take four drops on the tongue 3 or 4 times a day.
Full How to Use.

Shop: Handel Essence

Strength, Courage & Self Value

For this month’s Essence review our focus is on one of the Rose Essences from our Rose Collection Essences; Handel Rose.

The vibration of this beautiful rose helps to dissolve feelings of unworthiness and reminds us of our own value, beauty and magnificence. It is a vibration that we could all benefit from right now because it is time for us to fully embrace our true nature and let go of the old ‘stories’ that have us believing in those debilitating states of ‘less than’ and ‘not good enough’.

When we continue to follow through on those old story lines we end up hiding our light, refusing to recognise our gifts and hesitating to step into our empowerment. Often this is because we have some old emotional imprints left over from experiences in childhood that need to be dissolved before we can release the ‘story’. For instance, it can be both frightening and painful not to be seen and validated for who you know yourself to be as a small child.

Handel Rose Flower

So often we have been expected to fit into a system that did not allow for self-exploration or individuality. This can be devastating to our confidence and sense of self, especially when we were unable to live up to the imposed expectations of others. In this situation we forget how to bloom in all our glory like a beautiful rose or allow our voice be heard like the blackbird who simply sings without considering the possibility that his voice might not be up to standard in some way.

Handel Rose Essence

Handel Rose is a wonderful essence to help dissolve these old imprints and remind you of your own value and worth as a being. It opens the heart and promotes the qualities of strength, courage and positive self-value.  It can be very effective taken as a single essence on its own or you could mix it into a stock combination with other Rose Essences if you wish.

Handel Rose Essence

Click To Order Online: Handel Rose Essence

Or call us on – 01379 608059 ( +44 1379 608059 )



Help & Advice

If you need any help or advice with this Essence, or if you’d simply like to talk to someone about whether this would be the right Essence for you, please do contact us and we’d be please to help – Contact Us

Catherine Keattch

Catherine is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since the early 1990’s. She is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer, teacher and workshop leader. She loves creating vibrational essences and greatly enjoys making the mother tinctures that allow us to provide our wide range of flower, gem & crystal essences. Her passion is to provide the knowledge, wisdom and tools that will support others to find greater harmony, well-being and spiritual fulfilment in their lives.

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