The Energetic Alignment Spray
The Energetic Alignment spray helps to bring all your subtle bodies, chakras and subtle energy points into greater alignment. It is an excellent spray to use before meditation or contemplation and enhances your connection with your own inner wisdom and soul guidance. It is also a very effective spray to use when you feel energetically scattered, ungrounded and disconnected from yourself.

Energetic Alignment Essence
Shop: Energetic Alignment Spray Essence
Essence Range: Pure Vibrations Collection
How to Use: Spray liberally into the auric field for a quick and effective energetic realignment or use over a period of time to support more permanent transformation. Full How to Use.
Combination: Copper, Loosestrife, Charoite, Sapphire – Blue, Peridot, Azeztulite
Essence Type: Flower, Gem & Crystal Essence Combination Spray | Stock Level
Alignment, Consciousness & Our Energetic System
The current process of fast track transformation that we are all going through as we align with 5th dimensional Unity Consciousness is gradually taking us through stages of realignment with aspects of ourselves that we have not been able to use for a very long time while in a physical body.
As we consciously release the mindset, emotions and vibrational frequencies that belong to polarity consciousness, our chakras and subtle energy bodies begin to operate in new more expansive and interconnected ways.
Currently this is a work in progress for most of us, so paying attention to the alignment between our energetic system and physical body can be very beneficial while the changes and readjustments take place.
Bringing everything into alignment, even temporarily, stimulates a flow of light, expanded awareness, guidance and wisdom from the higher self and soul. It is also easier to recognise and release old stories, patterns and emotional issues from this more empowered perspective.
When to Use the Energetic Alignment Spray
The Energetic Alignment Spray is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal energies specifically designed to bring all the subtle bodies, chakras and subtle energy points into greater alignment.
It is an excellent spray to use before meditation or contemplation. It will also help to enhance your connection with your own inner wisdom and guidance, so very useful when you need to make choices or set a new focus or direction for yourself.
It is also a very effective spray to use when you feel energetically scattered, ungrounded and disconnected from yourself. In this situation it will very swiftly bring you back to a point of balance and inner awareness.
How to Use This Essence
Spray liberally into the auric field for a quick and effective energetic realignment or use over a period of time to support more permanent transformation. You can also take this essence spray internally in the same way as our other essence combinations if you wish.
As with all our Pure Vibration Sprays the Energetic Alignment Spray is available with either a wheat alcohol or a wheat alcohol and rose water blend base for those who prefer a scented spray.
Do You Need Any Help or Advice?
If you need any help or advice with this Essence, or if you’d simply like to talk to someone about whether this would be the right Essence for you, please do contact us and we’d be please to help – Contact Us

Catherine is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since the early 1990’s. She is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer, teacher and workshop leader. She loves creating vibrational essences and greatly enjoys making the mother tinctures that allow us to provide our wide range of flower, gem & crystal essences. Her passion is to provide the knowledge, wisdom and tools that will support others to find greater harmony, well-being and spiritual fulfilment in their lives.
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