Unconditional Love Essence Review
Our focus for this month’s essence review is the Unconditional Love combination from our Rose Collection Essences.
Unconditional love is a powerful field of energy that is alive with unending potential and possibility. Many beautiful vibrational frequencies are available for us to experience from within this vast energetic, e.g., Peace, Joy, Harmony, Compassion, Wisdom etc.
Unconditional love is a powerful field of energy that is alive with unending potential and possibility
Unconditional Love is the base vibration of fifth dimensional unity consciousness and one that we are all very familiar with at a soul level. From that level of awareness, the flame of love that burns within every human heart is recognised as a reflection of the love of Source, from which every aspect of our being has been created. Our connection to the Whole is palpable and unquestioned here.
Until comparatively recently it has been hard for us to fully access the frequencies of unconditional love while incarnated in a third dimensional physical body. However, with the frequencies on our planet rising and the transition from third to fifth dimensional consciousness well under way, it is now not only possible but increasingly important that we do so. Many of the solutions that are so badly needed for the problems that we see everywhere around us will become available when enough of us are living from this level of expanded awareness.
As a species Roses hold the vibrational frequency of unconditional love in all of its many forms and using flower essence made from Roses can be a powerful way to move our consciousness into the heart and into alignment with the frequencies of unconditional love.
The Unconditional Love Combination

The Unconditional Love combination contains four of our individual Rose Essences, Compassion, Perdita, Gentle Hermione & Ruby Red. Each of these essences takes our awareness deeper into the heart chakra and together they create a powerful mandala of living energies that remind us how to attune ourselves to the frequency of unconditional love.
Third dimensional life has provided us with many experiences in which love has appeared to be absent and as a result we have tried to protect ourselves from further pain by closing our hearts. On the journey back into the heart we often encounter the residue of these old painful experiences waiting for us to make new choices.
The essences in this combination will help with this process by gently dissolving pain and resistance so that you can once again open the petals of your heart chakra and align fully with the unconditional love that is your true self.
How to Use
An effective dose for most adults is four drops on the tongue 4 x a day, straight from the stock bottle. For best results take consistently for a period of two to four weeks.
Experiential Mandala

While you are taking this combination you might like to try deepening your experience of it by creating an experiential mandala from the pictures of the roses used in the combination. If you choose to do this, have the pictures that accompany this review with you and find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed.
Take a few deep connected breaths to focus yourself into your body and into the present moment. Move your awareness into your heart chakra and in your imagination see yourself sitting inside a large bubble of light and love that encompasses all of your energy field. Feel yourself sitting quietly and purposefully within your bubble of light.
One by one imagine drawing the roses in the pictures into your heart space feeling how all the frequencies they bring interact with your own energies. Feel their frequencies uniting and expanding to create a living mandala that fills your field, allowing it to wash through your heart chakra and flow deeply into the cells of your physical body.
Allow the feelings that this experience of unconditional love generates in your body, mind, and emotions to fully register within in you. Stay in its uplifting energies for as long as you can.
When you feel yourself move away from this feeling as you go through your day just breath, recall the feeling and touch back into the experience.

Shop – Unconditional Love Essence
Essence Range: Rose Collection Flower Essences
Adult How to Use: Four drops on the tongue 3 – 4 x a day… Full How to Use
Essence Type: Flower, Gem & Crystal Essence Combination | Stock Level
Unconditional Love 10 Minute Rose Meditation
Attune with unconditional love and create a mandala of rose frequencies for awakened heart consciousness with Catherine Keattch from Crystal Herbs.
Share Your Experiences…
We hope you’ve enjoyed our look at the Unconditional Love Rose Essence. We’d love to hear your experiences of working with this essence or working with the related issues, so please do leave us a comment and share your experiences!
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Catherine is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since the early 1990’s. She is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer, teacher and workshop leader. She loves creating vibrational essences and greatly enjoys making the mother tinctures that allow us to provide our wide range of flower, gem & crystal essences. Her passion is to provide the knowledge, wisdom and tools that will support others to find greater harmony, well-being and spiritual fulfilment in their lives.
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