Flower Essence Blog

Bells of Ireland Flower Essence: Harmony, Relaxation & Nature Connection

Bells of Ireland Flowers

Bells of Ireland Essence

The focus for this month’s essence review is the Bells of Ireland essence from our Individual Flower Essence repertory.

The Bells of Ireland flower

Bells of Ireland flowers

Bells of Ireland is an unusual plant belonging to the mint family. Native to Syria and Turkey, it has been in cultivation since the 1500’s and has often been given as a token of good luck. It’s tall spires of stems lined with light green, bell-shaped calyxes each containing a magical little mauve and white flower nestling within it, are currently to be found in many summer garden flower beds.

Apart from being extremely decorative in the garden and sort after for floral arrangements, Bells of Ireland can provide us with some particularly valuable assistance for our current times, when made into a flower essence.

Unwinding & Connection with Nature

We are living through strange times when the only thing that seems to be a constant in life is the ongoing process of change, something that is taking place both within us as individuals and in the world around us.

There is great purpose and opportunity within this transformational energy flow, but it is not always comfortable to experience. Many old issues are coming into consciousness for everyone and they require our attention and focus to unwind and rebalance. Often, we initially experience old issues resurfacing as an uncomfortable undercurrent vibration that manifests as low-level stress and anxiety in the nervous system and mental & emotional bodies. Most likely when you put your focus on the feeling you will find that it is something that has been there, unrecognized for a long time. Possibly something that you thought was ‘normal’ for you.

With life in a state of flux for so many of us right now this state of inner tension, anxiety and stress can easily be attributed to outside events that we cannot see a way of changing, when actually it is something in our inner world trying to get our attention for rebalancing. In this situation it is easy to get locked into our own tight little world and forget to ground ourselves or to keep our connection with mother nature strong and vital.

If you are feeling particularly stretched, simply taking time out to breath and connect with nature through a walk by the sea or in the woods can really help old energies to shift and bring a much needed change in perspective to a situation.

For more in depth help with unwinding and connection the Bells of Ireland flower essence might be just what you need.

The Bells of Ireland Essence

Bells of Ireland Flower Essences - a 10ml and 25ml bottle

In our experience this is a wonderful essence to help you unlock and unwind deeply held tension, anxiety and stress from the mental and emotional bodies. It promotes a deep sense of harmony and relaxation that gently but firmly helps to connect you back to your core self and remind you that you live in a magical world full of wonderful potential. Bells of Ireland flower essence helps to align the subtle bodies so you will feel more connected to the earth and your body, thereby more able to anchor spiritual energies in your everyday reality.

Bells of Ireland essence also stimulates communication with nature spirits and the magic of the fairy kingdom so will greatly enhance your ability to keep your connection with the natural world alive and vibrant.

How to Use

Bells of Ireland essence works extremely well taken as a single essence on its own. An effective dose for most adults is four drops on the tongue 4 x a day, straight from the stock bottle. For best results take consistently for a period of two to four weeks.

It is also very effective mixed into a stock combination with other deep acting Flower, Gem or Crystal essences if you want to focus on an issue in more depth.

As Bells of Ireland is such a useful when it comes to unlocking and unwinding deeply held tension, anxiety and stress from your mental and emotional bodies, it’s one of the essences we’ve included in the Inner Harmony combination from the Divine Harmony Essences.

Bells of Ireland Flower Essences - a 10ml and 25ml bottle

Shop – Bells of Ireland Essence

Essence Range: Single Flower Essences

Adult How to Use: Four drops on the tongue 3 – 4 x a day… Full How to Use

Essence Type: Single Flower Essence | Stock Level

Share Your Experiences…

We hope you’ve enjoyed our exploration of the Bells of Ireland Essence. We’d love to hear your experiences of working with this essence so please do leave us a comment and share your experiences!

Are You New To Flower & Vibrational Essences?

You can find out more about Flower & Vibrational Essences in our guide here.

Catherine Keattch

Catherine is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since the early 1990’s. She is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer, teacher and workshop leader. She loves creating vibrational essences and greatly enjoys making the mother tinctures that allow us to provide our wide range of flower, gem & crystal essences. Her passion is to provide the knowledge, wisdom and tools that will support others to find greater harmony, well-being and spiritual fulfilment in their lives.

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