Although as we write this we are still in the month of February there is a very definite sense that spring is really just around the corner. Of course this could turn out to be a bit of an over optimistic assessment but we are currently enjoying the idea of it none the less. We have so many spring flowers already out around us it will certainly not be long before we start the new season of mother tincture making. Hopefully the sun will continue to shine on us!
March and the Energies of Pisces
March this year certainly has the makings of an interesting month energetically. The sun moved into Pisces on February 19th beginning a month long magnification of the qualities and ray energies associated with this particular constellation. The full moon on February the 22nd may well already have illuminated any personal themes that the month’s energy flow is going to bring forward for you. Hopefully you also caught a glimpse of the full moon and Jupiter snuggling up together in the night sky around this time.
Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac and represents the true ending of the spiritual year, so a focus on endings and beginnings is always a theme at this time of the year. We can expect the watery energies of Pisces to stimulate the cleansing and release of anything that we do not need to take with us into the new zodiacal cycle. This also makes it a particularly good time to set your intentions for the coming twelve month cycle so that you are ready to take full advantage of the energies of new beginnings that we receive when the sun moves into Aries.
Opportunity in Pisces
Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac and represents the true ending of the spiritual year, so a focus on endings and beginnings is always a theme at this time of the year. We can expect the watery energies of Pisces to stimulate the cleansing and release of anything that we do not need to take with us into the new zodiacal cycle.
In western astrology Pisces is represented by the sign of two fish apparently swimming in different directions yet connected together by a thread, a symbol that is a constant reminder of the illusion of separation and the need for personality and soul to operate as one.
This is a particularly strong theme right now as we anchor the new template for life on our planet more fully into our physical reality. The illusion of separation is being tested on every front and old stories and beliefs that have their foundation in this old structure are being pushed to the surface of our awareness to be reviewed and rewritten. We are unlikely to be able to avoid some reference to this theme in either our personal or collective inner world this month due to the intense focus of planetary activity in the Piscean area of the sky, a focus that includes a new moon total solar eclipse on March 8/9th – depending upon where you are in the world.
Eclipses tend to shake up our hold on ‘reality’ and bring about opportunities for change. By the time of the eclipse Mercury, Moon, Sun, Neptune, Chiron & the south node of the Moon will all be in Pisces, together with several other lesser known but still influential heavenly bodies. This is quite a line up by any standards and a clear signal of a massive opportunity for spiritual new beginnings.
In particular, Chiron sitting on the edge of the new moon solar eclipse is likely to bring into sharp focus any deep wounds that we are still carrying from past journeys through the illusions of time and space. Use the opportunity to allow healing of these old issues this month through staying present and empowered. Remember that you are not your story or your pain, these are just old energies seeking realignment in the light of greater truth. There is potential here for a huge leap in spiritual empowerment.
Kindness, Compassion & Forgiveness
Key to success with this healing will be our ability to allow the higher focus of Piscean energies to stimulate the blending of heart and mind so as to facilitate greater soul contact.
We then have access to those soul qualities so connected with Piscean energy, kindness, caring, compassion and forgiveness. However these vibrations will only help stimulate greater unity between soul and personality if we are willing to apply them to ourselves.
One of the legacies of the old patterning that we are currently releasing is the belief that we cannot be fully ‘spiritual’ in a physical body. This is a really persistent illusion that often prevents us from being able to see value in our humanness and makes it impossible for us to move into greater unity consciousness. It is also the unconscious source of much old pain and guilt. In other words exactly the kind of old ‘wounding’ that the energies of Chiron will be so keen to help us heal over the next few weeks.
Crystal Herbs is a specialist Flower Essence producer and we’re passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences. We have been making and selling our range of Essences for nearly 30 years and have customers all over the world. All of our essences are handmade with love & care and alongside the Essences that we offer we also provide help, support and information about vibrational Essences. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. More About Crystal Herbs | Contact Us