The celebration of Christmas is associated with the desire for peace, joy and goodwill for all, a season for giving and receiving on all levels. It is a reminder of the birth of a being of advanced consciousness who embodied on earth over 2000 years ago to sow the seeds of love in its true form back onto our planet that we might remember the truth of who we are. Gradually, through the dedicated work of many, those seeds are finally beginning to bear fruit. The frequency of Love that many call Christ Consciousness is now anchored and available for all of us in physical incarnation to draw upon. However, remembering how to use the frequency of love in its fullness again is proving interesting for many of us. It is not a vibration that we have been familiar with in our everyday world and as much as we desire it, we are somewhat unprepared for the powerful effects of its unifying presence. Rather than the expected peace and harmony many are currently experiencing a sharp illumination of old misperceptions from the past. This is not particularly surprising since none of these old issues represent who we really are and they are also blocking us from embodying our spiritual truth.
A particularly uncomfortable misperception that affects many of us is related to the vibration of guilt. The idea that as humans in a physical body we are somehow imperfect is a myth perpetuated in so many different ways down the ages. It has been the cause of much pain, suffering and strife and continues to be the unconscious cause of much distress to this day. It is the antithesis of the vibration of unconditional love that we are all learning to embody so it has to be released and lovingly transformed. So with this in mind we have focused our essence review this month on a combination to help with this; Forgiveness from the Divine Harmony Essences.
The Forgiveness Combination
Forgiveness is a powerful deep acting combination of both flower and gem essences designed to dissolve the destructive vibration of guilt. Guilt is the emotion created when we are unable to forgive ourselves for some past mistake, action or situation. The original cause is usually long buried in our unconscious leaving us with a deep unexplained need to make repayment in some way. It is a vibration that causes judgement and self-condemnation as well as great inner tension and distress. This combination helps to dissolve these old feelings, and opens the heart so that we can open fully to the vibration of unconditional love that will remind us once again of the love that is our true nature.

The Forgiveness combination is part of the Divine Harmony Essence range and you can find it in the Flower Essence Shop here or you can call us on 01379 608059 ( ++44 1379 608059 ) to place an order or find out more.

Catherine is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since the early 1990’s. She is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer, teacher and workshop leader. She loves creating vibrational essences and greatly enjoys making the mother tinctures that allow us to provide our wide range of flower, gem & crystal essences. Her passion is to provide the knowledge, wisdom and tools that will support others to find greater harmony, well-being and spiritual fulfilment in their lives.
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