Flower Essence Suggestions to help promote greater acceptance & loving compassion for yourself

Help from the Rose Essences
The need for greater love and compassion takes us to the heart chakra and to our Rose Collection Essences. Throughout the ages Roses have been associated with the heart and are traditionally given as a symbol of love. As a species they hold the vibration of unconditional love and their gift to us is their ability to help awaken and expand the spark of Divine Love embedded within our own heart centre.

There are sixteen individual rose essences in this set, each with a different focus on balancing the heart chakra, as well as four Rose Essence Combinations. If you find yourself particularly working with old heart wounds do check out this set of essences to find the one that will best help you.
The Rose Combinations are:
Allowing Appreciation & Compassion
Greater appreciation and compassion for self always begins with acceptance, so if you find yourself struggling a little with this issue a Self-Acceptance; restoring unconditionality combination might be just what you need to help you move on.
Consider Feeling Worthy; transforming unworthiness, Feeling Safe; trusting life, or Open to Receive; creating abundance to follow on for extra support here.
You can also see our Compassion Essence Themes Selector page here for more essences to help with issues around compassion.
Healing Relationships
As you work with the issues surrounding allowing greater love for yourself, it is very possible that old family / relationship issues might present themselves for a rethink and/or resolution. Remember in this situation that you cannot change anyone else, but you might be able to facilitate change by refusing to continue to play out old patterns.
Checkout Healing Family; resolving family issues, Healing Relationships; restoring intimacy & trust and Loving Communications; honest self-expression for support here.
Emotional attachment in relationship can sometimes be hard to break, even when it is clearly no longer beneficial for anyone involved. Choose Letting Go; dissolving attachment to help resolve this unhealthy dynamic.
Relationships of all kinds, including the one that we have with ourselves, form a fundamental aspect of all our lives. Often it is in our close relationships that we face our greatest challenges in life, sometimes beginning with the family that we choose for a particular incarnation. You can find more Essence suggestions to help with Relationships here.
Compassion Rose
This lovely Flower Essence helps to strengthen the link between your heart chakra and higher mind, creating a greater connection with your inner wisdom. It promotes feelings of peace, serenity and inner certainty.
Shop: Compassion Rose | Rose Collection Essences
Choosing An Essence
If there is a specific issue that you would like help with that has not been mentioned above, please use our Essence Selector or give us a call/ email for some help and advice.

Crystal Herbs is a specialist Flower Essence producer and we’re passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences. We have been making and selling our range of Essences for nearly 30 years and have customers all over the world. All of our essences are handmade with love & care and alongside the Essences that we offer we also provide help, support and information about vibrational Essences. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. More About Crystal Herbs | Contact Us