Loving Communications
Essence Range:
Divine Harmony Essences
Combination of:
Blue Quartz, Aquamarine, Campanula, Chrysoprase, Kunzite, Cosmos
How to Use:
Take four drops on the tongue 3 or 4 times a day
Full How to Use.
The focus of this month’s Essence Review is the ‘Loving Communications’ combination.
We now live in a world where we take instant communication for granted as part of our everyday life experience. While this is no bad thing in many respects it does have a tendency to keep our attention focussed very much in the outer world of events if we are not mindful enough. Distractions are easy to come by and inner communication with ourselves, all too easy to neglect. Yet in our fast changing world where old patterns, habits and beliefs are dissolving very quickly, the ability to stay in touch with ourselves at an inner level is becoming increasingly important. As the fog of old patterns clears away, it is easier for us to connect with our own inner truth with a completely new clarity, perspective and purpose. Finally we have the opportunity to remember who we are and why we are here.
In this situation change in our life is inevitable, particularly in our relationships with others. However, as we get ready to step forward it can seem challenging to express an inner change of such magnitude to those we are close to in life. Often we resist doing this because of fear of being misunderstood or maybe hurting those we love, quite forgetting that they too are connected to the communication system of life and are intimately connected with the same process of change themselves.
The energy flow this month is one that will bring a focus to the rebalancing of relationships, so for anyone finding themselves in need of a little extra help to express their true feelings in an honest, open-hearted way we recommend a bottle or two of our Loving Communications combination.
The Loving Communications Combination
This is a powerful deep acting combination of Flower, Gem & Crystal essences specifically designed to help dissolve the old patterning in the heart chakra and throat chakra that can still make it difficult for us to communicate with those close to us with honesty and loving self-expression. It is also equally helpful to promote an expansion in our ability to communicate with ourselves at an inner level in a more loving and heart centred way. Most importantly of all it will support you in that very important process of remembering how to be free and completely in integrity with your own inner truth.
Indications – for anyone who finds it difficult to express their true feelings in an openhearted way, especially in close relationships. Promotes the ability to feel free to be yourself.
The Loving Communications Combination is part of the Divine Harmony Essence range and you can find it on the Flower Essence Shop here or you can call us on 01379 608059 ( ++44 1379 608059 ) to place an order or find out more.
A good supporting remedy would be Agrimony from the Bach Flower Remedies – this also works with self expression.

Catherine is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since the early 1990’s. She is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer, teacher and workshop leader. She loves creating vibrational essences and greatly enjoys making the mother tinctures that allow us to provide our wide range of flower, gem & crystal essences. Her passion is to provide the knowledge, wisdom and tools that will support others to find greater harmony, well-being and spiritual fulfilment in their lives.
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