Embracing & Making Change
What is your relationship with change like? It can be an interesting question because at various times in our lives, we’ll all experience moments when we feel a deep inner need for change. A sense of feeling stuck and that our inner journey has arrived at a fork in the road, an intuitive knowing that something needs to change so that we can move forward in life. A feeling that we need to be able to look at life from a different perspective.
This inner need for change might feel like a barely perceptible inkling that something needs to be different, a quiet inner voice saying that something is not quite right or no longer aligns with us in some way. Or we might feel a a really powerful inner push, a strong soul message, that something just needs to change, and change now.

When we come to make change in our lives, it can feel deeply challenging, and often it’s not always obvious how to move forward and address the underlying causal issues. However, in my experience, the inner push to make some sort of change in our lives is usually a sign that we’re ready to take the next step on our inner journey. It might be that we need to align with life more consciously, to step into the fullness of ourselves more deeply, to follow our soul purpose in a different way, or to consciously create something new and different in our lives. Change is not always easy, but I’ve always found Flower Essences are really good catalysts for helping you to make those changes.
Being Comfortable with Change and the Inner Journey
So where to start? A big part of our life’s inner journey is being open and comfortable with making change from the inside out. When we’re present, accepting and in relationship with ourselves, when we can open our heart to ourselves at all levels, change can happen quite quickly.
Our inner worlds – our emotions, thoughts, feelings and beliefs – are powerful creators, and shape how we see, relate and interact with the world around us. And so, when we begin to shift our old patterns and perceptions, we begin to see things differently and we step into the flow of change in a very different way. Healing and releasing our old hurt, pain, fear, guilt, rejection etc really does help us to create a lasting change and transformation in our life and a ripple of change in the world around us.
Flower Essences: a Catalyst for Change

One of the really good things about flower essences is their ability to be catalysts for change. When you feel stuck and you need to make a change, the right flower, gem and crystal essences can take you straight to the heart of what you’re working with. They’re really good tools for helping you to unlock any old emotions, thoughts and beliefs that might be keeping you in an old, stuck place.
There are times when we all need this kind of help, when even with the best of positive intentions we feel stuck and unable to see a way forward. Usually, when we experience both the underlying push for change and the feeling of being stuck at the same time, it means that there are some old emotions or beliefs that are ready to be looked at and released. This might simply be something within you that needs a little love and acceptance in the moment, or it might be a much deeper clearing process.
The Joy of Feeling What You’re Feeling
Facing how you’re really feeling on the inside is not always easy or comfortable, no matter how much experience you might have of doing it. And this is especially the case when an old pattern or some deeply challenging emotions are sitting just below the surface waiting to come out.
Whatever it is that you’re feeling, let yourself feel it. It might be something that you’ve worked with for years, for example for me, it might be an old belief about not feeling good enough and all of the related emotions that go with that. Or it might be a newer understanding that is coming to the surface for you – survival fears, difficulties letting go, a deep sense of loneliness or maybe some old grief. They are often not fun ones to feel, but I’ve learnt over the years that feeling what you’re feeling is key to keeping your heart open to yourself. It’s always good to meet yourself and not to be afraid of what you might find on the inside.
Flower Essences to Help
Feeling not enough or not good enough is an old pattern for me, an old friend in the journey of my life, but one that has become much more conscious recently. I’ve increasingly felt the inner push for change around it but have equally felt quite stuck with it too. So, I recently started taking a combination of flower essences with a particular focus on this, and the essence has been a catalyst in shifting the old feelings and beliefs around this pattern. As the essence helped to make these shifts, I reached a tipping point when all the issues came more fully into consciousness to be worked with, and I got to go more deeply into what the heart of the issue was for me.

This is what I mean by essences being a catalyst, and why essences are so good at helping you to make change in your life. Bringing old beliefs, understandings, emotions and thought patterns into conscious awareness is incredibly empowering and this self-awareness is a big part of how we make change and move forward.
Embracing all of our emotions, thoughts, beliefs and stories without judging them is a life-changing practice in self-acceptance, love and compassion. Breathing into the space of our inner world, allowing the joy and the pain, is all deeply cathartic, liberating and freeing. This is the power of feeling your feelings, of walking the inner journey. It’s not about feeling good, or feeling bad, it’s simply feeling. Simply being in relationship with yourself and being you.
Flower essences are really good facilitators in this inner journey that we are all on together. It’s a journey where the possibilities are profound, beautiful and collectively never more needed.
Share Your Experiences…
We’d love to hear your experiences of the transformational power of flower essences, so please do leave us a comment and share your experiences!
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Sam is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since 1996. He is passionate about all aspects of Flower & Vibrational Essences, from making and developing them, to using them for personal and spiritual growth. Sam is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer and teacher and loves sharing knowledge and information about Essences and any other tools that help us to re-connect with our hearts and the true essence of who we are. Sam is also currently treasurer for the British Association of Flower Essence producers.
What a wise and inspiring post. I particularly love this: ‘ Breathing into the space of our inner world, allowing the joy and the pain, is all deeply cathartic, liberating and freeing. This is the power of feeling your feelings, of walking the inner journey. It’s not about feeling good, or feeling bad, it’s simply feeling. Simply being in relationship with yourself and being you.’
Thank you Jackie! Glad you liked the post and lovely to that it resonated with you. Xx
This exactly matches my own experience, The flower essences I have used quickly bring you into a new alignment, which is perfect to set you in the right direction to where you want to be heading.
Thank you Paul, beautifully put!