BFVEA Kegworth Gathering 2017
I recently went along to the British Flower & Vibrational Essences Association ( BFVEA ) Gathering at Kegworth to join in with this years annual meeting of flower essence practitioners and more generally those who just love their essences.
The British Flower & Vibrational Essences Association was established in 1998 and it’s work is to support and serve the flower and vibrational essence practitioner community as well as providing an information resource for the general public. BFVEA has a membership of practitioners drawn from across the UK and around the world.
The Gathering happens each year and is open to members, friends and anyone interest in Flower and Vibrational Essences. The weekend consisted of lectures from essence producers, practitioners and guest speakers on a whole range of things from specific Essences or Essence ranges, through to dowsing, connecting with the music of plants, shamanic journeying and much more besides.
It was a real pleasure to meet everyone there, and over the course of the weekend we co-created such a lovely group energy! A big thank you to all the speakers this year, there were some really inspiring talks and some interesting new possibilities that came out of the weekend, and of course to the organisers who put in so much hard work to make it all happen.
Here are a few pictures from the weekend….
Chris Bailey from Bailey Flower Essences giving the The Arthur Bailey Memorial Talk.
Heather Veitch – Everything is energy. Magic is energy with intention.
Tigrilla Gardenia from Music of the Plants and Damanhur giving a fascinating talk on connecting with the Music of the Plants.
Me meeting Tigrilla while the Christmas Cactus and the Begonia sing away to each other through the Music of the Plants device.
There is a magic that happens when like minded souls come together, and one of the big things for Crystal Herbs that came out of the weekend was connecting with the Music of the Plants devices. Seeing the devices in action over the weekend was a moving and profoundly inspiring experience and I felt a deep sense of how beautifully the concept fitted in with our work with Flower & Vibrational Essences. So we’ve decied to start selling the devices alongside our range of Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences, and we’re really looking forward to see how things unfold! Find Out More About MOTP | Buy A Bamboo Device
So I’m looking forward to next years BFVEA Gathering and another chance to meet everyone there and hear more talks and inspiration around flower essences! If you feel inspired to come along or join the BFVEA, you can find more details below.
British Flower & Vibrational Essences Association
The BFVEA is the British Flower & Vibrational Essences Association and is there to support and serve the best interests of all practitioners of flower and vibrational essence therapy. You can find out more about the BFVEA here.
You can find out about our 2024 trip to the BFVEA Annuaul Gathering here.
Sam is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since 1996. He is passionate about all aspects of Flower & Vibrational Essences, from making and developing them, to using them for personal and spiritual growth. Sam is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer and teacher and loves sharing knowledge and information about Essences and any other tools that help us to re-connect with our hearts and the true essence of who we are. Sam is also currently treasurer for the British Association of Flower Essence producers.