Guest post by Eva Townsend
Right at the start of 2020 I had a sense that the New Year would bring a lot of clearing with it. A nasty letter from the tax office confirmed my gut feeling and this was something I urgently needed to deal with. Nobody messes with the tax office. Luckily a well-meaning friend sent me a video clip about how to invoke the Violet Flame, which came in handy at a difficult time.
Purification and Transmutation of Negative Energies

The description on the Crystal Herbs website describes the Violet Flame of Transformation as “a powerful ray of energy which is available to us all as a tool for purification and transmutation of negative energies.”
As far as the Violet Flame is concerned, I had invoked its energy many times but had never experienced its power directly. Just to make sure, I also started taking the Crystal Herbs Violet Flame essence and that’s when things really kicked off.
A few days later I went to a big London tech stores to buy myself a new laptop. I hadn’t been to one of those superstores for a while, so I was a little unprepared for what happened next. The sales assistant was very helpful and professional to start with and it took me no time to choose the laptop I wanted. Of course, being a sales rep he also wanted to sell a few extras, such as extended warranty etc., all of which I declined politely.
As we went to the cash desk together, he suggested another very special ‘free offer’ which would give me extra benefits such as a 24-hour helpline and so on. However as I quickly found out only the first month was free and, before I knew it, he swiped my credit card and I was locked into a contract. By that stage I was fuming. I ripped up the receipt and asked to have my contract cancelled there and then.
The Power of the Violet Flame
As my anger was building up, I suddenly became aware of the Violet Flame blazing all around me. The sales rep quickly retreated behind the counter, trying hard to avoid eye contact whereas I simply stood, rooted to the spot, experiencing the power of this amazing violet energy. I can’t say that I enjoyed the experience very much, because the flame grew bigger and bigger, spreading throughout the whole store. There was no way of stopping it and I started to feel a little bit worried. Although the Violet Flame was coming through me, I couldn’t control it in any way.
Soon enough the store manager appeared and apologised profusely. When he cancelled my contract, I made it very clear to him that I didn’t appreciate these kind of sales tactics which I thought bordered on deception. Therefore I wouldn’t be coming to this particular store any more. More apologies followed and I could feel the Violet Flame abating, clearly having done its job. I left the store in a daze with my brand-new laptop and a story to tell.
A few days later the tax office sent a second letter which was far more conciliatory. No doubt my tax problems would be sorted out as well. Personally, I will be stocking up on the Violet Flame essence until the year is over!

The Violet Flame Essence
The Ascended Master St Germain brought the gift of the Violet Flame to humanity after the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. It was a dispensation from Source to help speed up our awakening. Call on the help of St Germain and the Violet Flame to help you purify negative thoughts and feelings. You can also hold a situation in the Violet Flame asking that it be resolved for the highest good of all concerned. Taking the essence as you do this will help to strengthen your connection.
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Crystal Herbs is a specialist Flower Essence producer and we’re passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences. We have been making and selling our range of Essences for nearly 30 years and have customers all over the world. All of our essences are handmade with love & care and alongside the Essences that we offer we also provide help, support and information about vibrational Essences. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. More About Crystal Herbs | Contact Us