Flower Essence Blog

Seeing the Bigger Picture

– The Influence of Virgo – September Intensity – Seeing the Bigger Picture –

We were certainly blessed with some delicious spells of warm summery weather during August and so far, these seem to be carrying forward into September as well, much to our great enjoyment.

In the northern hemisphere we associate the ninth month of the year with the ripe fullness of autumn, while in the southern hemisphere it heralds the fresh new beginnings of spring. For us in the north the daylight hours are now noticeably shortening as we transition to that magical still point of balance at the Equinox, before the sun’s light turns towards the southern hemisphere again.

So despite the Indian Summer sunshine there is a subtle sense of change in the air, something that is very much echoed in the energy flow this month.

The Influence of Virgo

Iceberg Rose

For a large part of September each year, Earth benefits from a magnified flow of energy from the constellation of Virgo, an influence that will build in intensity this year until the full moon on September 16th. Aligning with the highest potential of the feminine, earthy, nurturing qualities of Virgo energy will take us deep into the realm of the feminine goddess, the Mother principle and the gestation of new life. It carries a reminder to us of the need to nurture the seed of Christ consciousness within us, just as a child is nurtured in the womb of its mother. At a more mundane level Virgo energy also stimulates the desire to be of service, so we can expect its influence this month to bring to the fore any aspects our lives that need adjustment in order for us to fully align with our true purpose.

September Intensity

There is an underlying intensity in the energetic flow this month that may well provide a few challenging ‘hold onto your hat’ moments for many of us

There is an underlying intensity in the energetic flow this month that may well provide a few challenging ‘hold onto your hat’ moments for many of us. Quite possibly you will have had a preview of what these challenges might look like for you personally around the time of the new moon solar eclipse on September 1st. This eclipse is the first of two that we will experience this month with the second, lunar eclipse coming on September 16th with the full moon. Viewed in conjunction with the other planetary configurations influencing us this month the impact of these eclipses could feel quite intense, especially if you have a strong Virgo/Pisces influence in your astrological chart.

For all us these energies will tend to highlight any uncomfortable old issues that still require resolution in order that we can be free to move forward in new and more expansive directions. Mercury has been in retrograde motion since August 30th and will turn direct again at the autumn equinox on September 22nd.

So there is a potentially uncomfortable contrariness in the various energy flows this month that on the one hand will stimulate us to release and move on while on the other directing us to go inward to review and reflect. This could well bring feelings of frustration, irritation, anger and intolerance to the surface as we attempt to negotiate these very different energy currents. Unexpected revelations and changes in relationships are also very much a characteristic of this kind of energy setup. So it will be important this month for us to stay particularly alert and aware of what is being revealed to us so that we can acknowledge, release and move on without unnecessary drama.

Seeing the Bigger Picture


With all this in mind it is clear that this month it could be very helpful to keep in mind that there is always a bigger picture working out behind the unexpected or challenging events that sometimes turn up on our lives. Although we might not be aware of it we have usually invited these events in ourselves. For instance, maybe you made a very clear intention for yourself that you wished to align more fully with your true purpose or you set a goal to move forward in a particular new direction in your life. That intention when focussed upon creates a new energetic patterning. However, to align fully with this new template we usually have to release some old beliefs that are out of sync with where we have said we want to go. In other words, we have invited in change! If we can just remember to stay aligned with our goal as the changes take place it will make it a much easier process.

If we also look at the bigger picture of what is happening on our planet from a higher collective perspective, we will see that the same is true here but on a much grander scale. We are currently in the process of dissolving our old third dimensional template and aligning with a new fifth dimensional one, something that has been in process since December 2012. Each one of us is part of this giant jigsaw puzzle of change, which means that we have the support of the enormous new fifth dimensional template behind us as we make our own personal changes. It also means that it is important that we are mindful of how we use the opportunities for change that are presented to us. The more awake and aware we can be to what is going on and what needs to be released, the greater our contribution to the collective evolutionary goal can be.

Crystal Herbs

Crystal Herbs is a specialist Flower Essence producer and we’re passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences. We have been making and selling our range of Essences for nearly 30 years and have customers all over the world. All of our essences are handmade with love & care and alongside the Essences that we offer we also provide help, support and information about vibrational Essences. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. More About Crystal Herbs | Contact Us

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