– The Influence of Libra – October Energetics – The Power of Libran Balance –
The month of October takes us into the last quarter of 2016 and if you are anything like us you are probably scratching your head trying to work out where the rest of the year disappeared to. This slightly disorientating experience of time is probably something we all need to get used to because as we become more multi-dimensional in our consciousness our experience of time is becoming less linear and more circular. Eventually the concept of past present & future will disappear entirely. More time to enjoy the sunshine perhaps!
The Influence of Libra
The sun moved into Libra on September 23rd this year the day after the autumn/spring equinox, depending upon the perspective of your location in the world. The energies flowing in from the constellation of Libra will provide the prevailing planetary influence for most of the month of October, an influence that will be at its peak around the full moon on October 16th.
Astrologically Libra is represented by the sign of the scales and its airy energy brings a focus to the balancing of opposites and an emphasis to the qualities of harmony, balance, justice and fairness in all areas of life.
This energy brings an emphasis to ‘right relationship’, so under its influence we may find ourselves needing to make adjustments in the relationships that we have with partners, family & friends, the internal relationship that we have with ourselves or more collectively the relationship that we have as a human family.
Libran energy encourages us to find the ‘middle way’ through conflicting situations. Given the situation in the world right now this focus on its own might be seen as quite enough of a challenge, however there is more!
October Energetics
The general energetic flow throughout October has a very fast moving, feisty and volatile feel to it. There will be plenty of opportunity to get things done in this energy but we could easily feel like we are on a particularly fast roller coaster ride if we do not pay attention and focus on staying centred, grounded and in alignment with our goals. This is particularly the case around the time of the full moon which this month, will be an especially powerful Super or Harvest Moon. There should also be some wonderful photo opportunities around this time with the Moon so close in to the Earth so do take time to breath and admire, even if things are feeling a bit hectic.
The Power of Libran Balance
The general energetic flow throughout October has a very fast moving, feisty and volatile feel to it. There will be plenty of opportunity to get things done in this energy but we could easily feel like we are on a particularly fast roller coaster ride if we do not pay attention and focus on staying centred, grounded and in alignment with our goals.
So how can we use the energy flow available to us this month to best advantage? In fast moving, highly transformation energies such as we have available to us right now it is particularly important for us to stay focussed on the direction of flow. If we try to row against the tide it will not be a comfortable or productive experience.
Everything about the energy flow right now is about transformation; the change from third dimensional consciousness to fifth dimensional consciousness. However, the contrast between these two very different energetic constructs is enormous and even with the best intentions we can sometimes find ourselves having difficulty keeping up with the direction of flow. It is taking time for us to see that what was true from a third dimensional perspective is no longer true from a fifth dimensional one. For instance, the belief that physical reality is all that there is, is possible within a third dimensional construct and impossible within a fifth dimensional one. It is like trying to put a square peg into a round hole.
Since the spring equinox, the energies have been particularly pushing us to weed out our personal mis-perceptions – our square pegs. If you take a little time to review the themes that have been coming up in your life over the last few months you will perhaps be able to see where you need to focus in order to stay aligned with the flow over the next month.
The Libran energies that we have in abundance this month will be particularly helpful in this regard. Use them to help you find that point of balance and poise within yourself that allows you to see both sides of an issue. As you sit in this quiet, inner place of balance and stability your soul will more easily be able to show you the way forward and any adjustments you may need to make in order to get there.
Our world today is full of the turbulence of change and there are still many trying to force their square pegs into round holes. As a result, many hidden agendas not in alignment with the wellbeing of the human community as a whole are currently very much in prominence. The turbulent, volatile nature of the energies this month could tend highlight these further, perhaps inflaming already ‘hot’ situations. At such a time it can be easy to feel that we have no power to influence the outcome, however do remember that this is really not the case. If enough of us consistently choose to experience balance, peace and stability in our lives we will have a powerfully stabilising effect on the outcome.
Crystal Herbs is a specialist Flower Essence producer and we’re passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences. We have been making and selling our range of Essences for nearly 30 years and have customers all over the world. All of our essences are handmade with love & care and alongside the Essences that we offer we also provide help, support and information about vibrational Essences. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. More About Crystal Herbs | Contact Us