Just as we were beginning to think that winter might be going to pass by unnoticed this year it suddenly brought us a blast of icy freezing weather that has done nothing to assist the unusual array of early blooming flowers that we have around us at the moment. The daffodils lining the driveway up through the farm where we have our work space are in full flower and seem more reminiscent of Easter than late January! A gentle reminder perhaps to prepare ourselves for more unpredictability and unusual events as the year goes forward. If this makes you feel in need of some reassuring everyday normality then take a moment to notice that the daylight hours are very definitely increasing as we approach the beginning of February just as they do every year.
February & the Energies of Aquarius
Hopefully you have managed to rise to any challenges that presented themselves in the rather uncompromising flow of energies we have experienced over the last few weeks and now have a clearer sense of yourself and a new vision for the coming year.
Aquarian energy is based in unity consciousness so it stimulates and supports ideas that will bring greater equality, freedom, cooperation and sharing into the world. To align more fully with this perspective we need to meld heart with mind and spirit with matter to create a new form of group consciousness that holds the welfare of all of humanity as a first priority.
The sun moves into the constellation of Aquarius on January 20th signalling the beginning of a month of magnified Aquarian influence which will be at its peak around the full moon on January 24th. The astrological symbol for Aquarius is that of the water bearer freely distributing the waters of life and love to all. It’s airy, uplifting and expansive qualities impulse us to align more fully with the spiritual values of unity, freedom, cooperation and right human relationships.
No doubt you have already noticed the shift in energetic focus away from the rather earth based qualities of Capricornian energy into the more stimulating mental energies of Aquarius, a contrast that we can expect to become even more marked when Mercury turns direct on January 25th. While Mercury is in retrograde motion it is not uncommon for us to experience a lack of clarity in our thinking process and frustratingly muddled communications in the outer world while simultaneously enjoying a productive interlude of review and reflection in our inner world. If you have been struggling with this contrast somewhat, take heart this particular influence will start to fade shortly.
By contrast the Aquarian influence is one that we will need to pay great attention to on an ongoing basis. We are now fully in the Age of Aquarius, so not only will we experience an annual magnification of Aquarian energy during February while the sun is in Aquarius, it is also going to be a consistent and potent influence on Earth for the next 2000 years. In this respect Aquarian energy holds the seeds of humanities future evolution and it is now up to us to provide the necessary conditions that will allow those seeds to germinate, take root and eventually grow into maturity. Over the next few years we can expect that the changes required for this to happen will become even more obvious in our everyday lives as we continually replace old ways of being with new ways that are more consistent with Aquarian values.
Aligning with the Aquarian Vision
It seems likely then, that the energy flow this month will provide us with a wonderful opportunity to check in with ourselves and to review how far we have each got with the ongoing process of aligning with the Aquarian vision for the future. Pay particular attention to anything that is revealed to you around the full moon period as this is often when we get the clearest illumination of any areas of our consciousness that still need a little adjustment to bring them fully into the new energy flow.
Aquarian energy is based in unity consciousness so it stimulates and supports ideas that will bring greater equality, freedom, cooperation and sharing into the world. To align more fully with this perspective we need to meld heart with mind and spirit with matter to create a new form of group consciousness that holds the welfare of all of humanity as a first priority.
We are all in various stages of contribution to this endeavour and it will obviously take time for the fullness of our intention to manifest completely in the world. Right now we are at a particularly critical stage with this as our manifestation hovers in the ethers waiting for us to make the changes within ourselves that will allow it to anchor more fully into everyday reality.

Crystal Herbs is a specialist Flower Essence producer and we’re passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences. We have been making and selling our range of Essences for nearly 30 years and have customers all over the world. All of our essences are handmade with love & care and alongside the Essences that we offer we also provide help, support and information about vibrational Essences. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. More About Crystal Herbs | Contact Us