Natures Gifts – Flower Essences & More
As we pass the mid point in the year and move fully into summer we enter a period of time in which traditionally many people take a break from the everyday routine of daily life. This rather more relaxed time of the year provides us with an opportunity for inner reflection; a time in which to relax, unwind and perhaps to take stock of what we have achieved since the beginning of the year.
We were contemplating recently just how important it really is for all of us to take the opportunity to relax and unwind every now and again so that we can reconnect with ourselves. When we do allow ourselves this space we can sometimes be surprised by the person we find there awaiting our attention. As we turn our focus inwards the parts of ourselves that we have been denying, because they do not appear to fit with our everyday world of outward striving and achievement, come forward to meet us.
Very often these aspects of ourselves represent our forgotten dreams and aspirations or our most cherished unfulfilled desires. Sometimes the emotions surrounding these inner parts can feel uncomfortable as we recognise in them the niggling feelings of discontent that we have been trying to put off dealing with because we have been too busy in the outer world.
Inner Harmony, Balance and Well being
Listening to the messages that these parts of ourselves bring forward can feel challenging but also very rewarding as it will take us into a place of equilibrium within ourselves that in turn will create greater harmony, balance and well being in our lives. As we honour all parts of ourselves with loving acceptance, new direction and inspiration can be given to us from our Soul. This is so very important right now as we are at that critical time on Earth when each of us is needed to hold the light steady and fully bring forth our unique gifts and talents to support the unprecedented unfolding of light and love on our planet.
So as you take the opportunity to unwind and relax in the sun this summer give yourself the time and space to listen to your heart and the messages from your inner being possibly calling you into a greater alignment with your true purpose.
Gifts From Mother Nature
For each of us the energetic help and support that we need to step forward into a new space will vary. However whatever your need Mother Nature will be able to supply you with exactly the right vibrational frequency to help, from her wonderfully abundant resources. As you are out and about this summer take time to really connect with the flowers that you find around you in your garden, countryside, local park or holiday location. When you listen with your heart each one will have a message for you, however there will be a few that will really call to you and it is the energy of these that will be able to provide you with the vibrational support that you need.
Sometimes it can be enough to simply sit with a flower or to visualise it in meditation, allowing yourself to soak up its vibration to help you come into greater alignment. However, if you feel that you would like a more long-term focus then taking an essence made from that particular flower will be a very helpful resource.
Natures Gifts – Flower Essences
At Crystal Herbs we have a huge selection of essences made from individual flowers and we invite you to explore this resource in more depth when you need some support and assistance. To wet your appetites here are just a few essence suggestions from among the many possibilities in our collection that you might well come across growing as flowers on your summer travels over the next month or so.
Firstly lets start with some of the gifts of nature that are often over looked because we think of them as weeds. From a gardeners perspective Convolvulus or bindweed is one of the most pernicious of weeds, however its energetic support is exactly what many of us need right now. All through July and August you will find its trailing vines bringing forth huge white trumpet shaped flowers in hedgerows and untended gardens, reminding us to reach up through the tangle of our everyday lives and open up to our higher awareness. Then there is the humble Daisy, which offers us the energy of clarity and focus. Cleavers, that wonderfully sticky weed that can provide us with just the help we need to untangle our unhealthy emotional attachments. St John’s Wort which is invaluable to help us release and clear our fears and last but not least, those yellow spires of Agrimony that can help us to express how we truly feel All of these and more will be found in the hedgerows over the next month or so.
Moving on to other perhaps more exotic flowers that might catch your eye over the next month or so, we could pick out the beautiful daisy like Osteospernum that reminds us of the importance of being open to receive in all ways, and the tall spires of Purple Loosestrife that can provide the energetic support that so many of us need to be fully grounded. Those of us in need of a greater spiritual connection might find ourselves joining the flocks of butterflies that are attracted to the energy of the flowering Buddleia’s that are everywhere at this time of the year. While yet others might be attracted to the energetic properties of the Sunflower, with its ability to cleanse the heart chakra and help us to balance our inner male and female aspects. Have fun discovering more possibilities for yourselves!
Using the Essences You Feel Drawn To
We will leave you with the reminder that any of our Individual Flower Essences can be helpful when taken simply as a single essence on its own. Alternatively you could choose to Mix Your Own Combination to create a blend of essences to help you with the issues that are important for you now.
We wish you a wonderful sun filled month of fun & exploration and send you all much love with the reminder to contact us if you need further help or support on your journey.Crystal Herbs is a specialist Flower Essence producer and we’re passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences. We have been making and selling our range of Essences for nearly 30 years and have customers all over the world. All of our essences are handmade with love & care and alongside the Essences that we offer we also provide help, support and information about vibrational Essences. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. More About Crystal Herbs | Contact Us