Auric Protection Spray Essence Review
The Auric Protection spray is an excellent combination to strengthen your auric field, which makes it a helpful Essence if you are over-sensitive to the thoughts, emotions or energies of others, or have weak energetic boundaries.
An excellent combination if you are over-sensitive to the thoughts, emotions or energies of others, or have weak energetic boundaries.
The world is currently full of chaos, turbulent emotions and the drama of old stories coming to the fore to be reconsidered and upgraded. It can be an uncomfortable experience if we forget to keep our focus on the contribution we came to offer and instead become entangled in what is not ours to change.
Positive Energetic Boundaries
Mindfulness is required if we are to manage our vibrational frequency so that we align ourselves with our true self/soul and the more expanded perspective that we have come here to remember and embody. An essential ingredient in this mission is the ability to stay focused in our own energetic space and to know which vibrations are ours and which are not.
This can be complicated since many with this soul focus are also particularly sensitive and empathetic to the situations of those around them. In the denser energy flows of the past the soul desire to help has often been misunderstood as requiring that you take on the energy of the situation that you wish to help transform.
In today’s energy flow it is even more important than ever that we maintain a sense of our own boundaries and make conscious choices about the vibrational frequencies we allow into our personal energy space and auric field. The more light and love we can hold in our energy fields the greater the amount of change we can manifest in the world around us.
The Auric Protection Combination
Pennyroyal Flower Essence helps to dissolve negative thought forms and strengthen the auric field and is one of the essences in the Auric Protection Combination.
The Auric Protection Combination is a deep acting combination of flower, gem & crystal energies specifically designed to help you clear and strengthen your auric field.
It is available in both dropper and spray form. We find this combination to be especially helpful in its spray form because of its ability to provide an almost instant cloak of protection from unwanted energies and at the same time to bring your focus back inside your own energy field.
This combination is for you if you tend to be oversensitive to other people’s thoughts and emotions, experience an ‘energy drain’ when around lots of people or struggle to separate your emotions from those of others in emotionally charged situations.
Used over a period of time it will gradually help to strengthen your auric field and your ability to remain balanced and neutral in challenging energetic situations. With this foundation in place it will then be much easier to focus on creating the vibrational alignment that helps you to bring more love, joy and happiness into the world.
How to Use
Spray liberally into the auric field for a quick and effective energetic realignment or use over a period of time to support more permanent transformation. You can also take this essence spray internally in the same way as our other essence combinations if you wish.
As with all our Pure Vibration Sprays the Auric Protection Spray is available with either a wheat alcohol or a wheat alcohol and rose water blend base for those who prefer a scented spray.
Shop – Auric Protection Essence
Essence Range: Pure Vibrations Collection
Adult How to Use: Spray liberally into the auric field 4 x a day… Full How to Use
Essence Type: Flower, Gem & Crystal Essence Combination | Stock Level
See Also:
- Seven Flower Essences for Empaths
- Yarrow Flower Essence – for Auric Protection & Over-Sensitivity
- Pennyroyal Flower Essence
- Video: Flower Essences for Empaths & Strong Healthy Boundaries
- You can find out more about using Flower & Vibrational Essence sprays here: Flower Essence Sprays to Balance Your Energy & Set Your Intentions.
Share Your Experiences…
We hope you’ve enjoyed our look at the Auric Protection Essence. We’d love to hear your experiences of working with this essence or working with the related issues, so please do leave us a comment and share your experiences!
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Catherine is a director at Crystal Herbs and has been with us since the early 1990’s. She is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer, teacher and workshop leader. She loves creating vibrational essences and greatly enjoys making the mother tinctures that allow us to provide our wide range of flower, gem & crystal essences. Her passion is to provide the knowledge, wisdom and tools that will support others to find greater harmony, well-being and spiritual fulfilment in their lives.
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