Flower Essence Blog

Bach Flower Remedies for Christmas

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies for Christmas & Beyond

Incredible though it seems, 2011 is almost complete and we are now only a few weeks away from the beginning of a new year and fully into the whirl of extra activities that the Christmas festive season inevitably brings forward. The energy this month is also somewhat potent and intense, with a tendency to challenge us in unexpected ways, so with this in mind we thought that in this edition of Essences for Sharing we would offer a few suggestions for essences that might be particularly good to help you negotiate the coming weeks with grace & ease.

Some Bach Remedies to help

In our experience there is nothing better than a well-selected combination of Bach Flower Remedies, taken often, to quickly restore everyday equilibrium and balance for all the family. Olive, Oak  & Elm are great to revive flagging energy, while Vervain and White Chestnut can very quickly calm over excited youngsters or indeed grown ups! For anyone feeling a little apprehensive about what challenges 2012 might bring for us all, then Mimulus, Aspen, or Rock Rose might be just what you need. If you are having difficulty deciding what to buy for those last minute gifts then let Scleranthus give you a helping hand and last but not least don’t forget to keep a bottle of our ever-popular Revival Remedy on hand to help with any unexpected emergencies. Revival Remedy is available in 10ml or 25ml dropper bottles or 30ml spray bottles.  

Bach Flower Remedies are at their most effective when they are made up into treatment bottles of 7 or 8 different essences and taken often; we recommend at least 8 x a day for adults.

Bach Remedies

Find Out More and Selecting Your Bach Rremedies

You can find out more about the Bach Flower Remedies here. If you would like some help and support from the Bach Flower Remedies you can: order Individual Bach Remedies here or Mix Your Own Bach Combination here. To find out more about how to use Bach Flower Remedies for children go to our Essences for Children page.



Crystal Herbs

Crystal Herbs is a specialist Flower Essence producer and we’re passionate about all aspects of Vibrational Essences. We have been making and selling our range of Essences for nearly 30 years and have customers all over the world. All of our essences are handmade with love & care and alongside the Essences that we offer we also provide help, support and information about vibrational Essences. Crystal Herbs is run by Catherine Keattch and Sam Cremnitz, along with a dedicated team who are all trained practitioners and healers in their own right. More About Crystal Herbs | Contact Us

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